Services for K12 Educators

Professional Development for K12 Educators and Administrators

We provide educational services to educators in schools and school districts to help them improve the quality of instructional programs delivered to their learners. Our services are tailored to address institutional desired outcomes such as measurable student learning outcomes, increasing retention/graduation and placement rates.  Our services include:

  • Classroom Management techniques to improve student focus in the classroom. Our classroom management training program yields immediate positive results.  There are schools reporting measurable results including
    • Schools reporting reduced discipline challenges by 70%, while student academic performance going up.
    • Measurable gains in math and science scores.
    • Significant reduction in campus-wide discipline referrals and suspensions.
  • Evaluation or Assessment of existing programs/curricula to ensure effectiveness and maximum alignment with mission and/or prescribed standards.
  • Preparing students for Successful Transition from high school to the college environment.
  • We give Presentations and Workshops at schools.

Contact Us

Contact us 24/7 at +1 816-800-2046 or use our contact form below.

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